About Voz
Fishcakes accidentally became a business in 2001. I didn't have a plan, just some animal drawings on cards, and canvas patches with toothy monsters bearing warnings: I'm Grumpy. I'm Weird. I Disobey.
Since then, I've drawn hundreds of emotional monsters, animals, and foods and sent them out into the world. I think this a good thing; the world needs more epic, dorky, dessert-loving, semicolon-using, crafty, noisy, algebra-savvy, bookish creatures who love prime numbers and bugs.
I am a big fan of animals, doodling, and anthropomorphizing just about everything I come across. I do my monster-making in Providence under the supervision of two small dogs who bark a lot and remind me to take breaks.

You can follow me on Instagram where I post new works, news, and photos of my messy workspaces.
Or, join my patreon, support my art-making and get behind-the-scenes glimpses into my creative process.
I was interviewed by Annie Sherman for a piece in Rhode Island Monthly. We talked about the origin and evolution of fishcakes.
It was a super cool day to be a moody monster!