Hey! I have a Patreon!

And you should join!
You get access to my monster doodles on a very nearly daily basis, as well as behind-the-scenes sneak peeks of current and upcoming products, plus the occasional post on non-fishcakes art projects I am working on. You also get access to a discounted store, and a coupon code you can use to get a wee discount code you can use for regular priced stuff.
Patreon is a great way to support me as an artist. The money I make on Patreon goes right back into doodling, drawing, and making monsters and their friends. Having an audience, and having a relationship with that audience, means the world to me.
Click the link below to join and help support my art-making.
If you are already a Patron, use this link to
access the password-protected shop for
discounted and discontinued items.